Have You Heard Y.E.T? – Jun 2023

The snow season is back in the June edition of Have You Heard Y.E.T?!

Welcome to the June edition of our e-newsletter ‘Have you Heard Y.E.T?!’

This month’s article features an update on what’s happening at Y.E.T, a wrap-up of our recent triumph at ATE, a return to Victoria’s Snow Season and our feature destination of the month – Phillip Island

What’s happening at Your Exclusive Tours?

May was a very busy and exciting month for Your Exclusive Tours with Australia Tourism Exchange 2023 (ATE23) held on the Gold Coast and Mother’s Day.

For the past couple of years, Your Exclusive Tours has attended Australian Tourism Exchange in its hybrid format, and this year was a first of having own booth. It was very humbling to see our booth with a sense of satisfaction and achievement on how far our business has come.

Your Exclusive Tour’s objective at ATE23 was to grow and develop its trade distribution network and partnerships. Over the 4 day event we had over 90 appointments with various travel agents, ITO’s, wholesalers, and suppliers. I am very thankful and delighted with the opportunities that have arisen and building on our existing connections and relationships.

Prior to and post ATE23, we were fortunate to host a couple of familiarisation tours for agents and media. It never ceases to amaze me on what our wonderful city and state has to offer. Some of the highlights of these familiarisation tours were:

ATE23 on the Gold Coast was absolutely fantastic! ATE24 will be held in Melbourne. We are excited and cannot wait until May 2024.

On Mother’s Day we had some VIP guests, being my mum and wife, out on tour with us on the Mornington Peninsula. We went candle making which was a barrel of laughs and fun. These amazing ladies are our greatest supporters and critics at the same time.

Lastly, May has seen steady enquiries and bookings for later on in the year and we are looking forward to some rather bespoke, unique, and interesting tours.

The Snow Season is back!

Your Exclusive Tours is excited for the 2023 Snow Season. Through our “On Demand Concierge Service” we create private tours and transfers to visit Lake Mountain, Mt BawBaw, and Mt Buller for our guests.

Some of our guests had never seen snow before which only meant one thing…making a snowman and a snow fight!! A great introduction to the snow with lots of smiles and laughter.

Should you wish to learn more about how we can create a memorable snow trip and experience for you, please reach out to us.

Destination of the Month – Phillip Island

Phillip Island is an easy drive of less than 2 hours from Melbourne and its combination of the protected coast line of the Western Port bay on one side and the wild open sea of Bass Strait on the other makes the scenery always dynamic and captivating.

Whilst being home to the iconic Penguin Parade, there is so much to see, do and experience on Phillip Island.

Your Exclusive Tours provides customised itineraries for either a half day or full day experience, concluding at the Penguin Parade before returning to Melbourne.

From couples to families to small private groups, Phillip Island is a must-do part of any Victorian experience, with our most popular island activities including:

  • Australian wildlife encounters (Koalas, Kangaroo, Dingos, Snake, Wombats, Birdlife)
  • Churchill Island (Historic Homestead, Sheep Shearing, Whip Cracking, Working Dog in Action)
  • The Koala Conservation Centre
  • Cape Woolamai
  • Pyramid Rock 
  • Helicopter Scenic Flights
  • Wine or Beer tasting
  • Array of dining options.
  • Surfing Lessons
  • Seal Boat Tours

We love nothing more than creating an itinerary for our guests to explore and experience the best of Phillip Island with us. 

Should you wish to learn more about our “Phillip Island” experience, please reach out to discuss your requirements with us, or find out more here

Team Member Spotlight – Robert Rees

Each month we’re going to highlight a member of the YET team and let you get to know them a little better. This month our spotlight is on Rob Rees.

1. What is your role at Your Exclusive Tours?
I am the Founder and Managing Director of Your Exclusive Tours.

2. If you weren’t part of the Your Exclusive Tours team, what other job would you like to attempt?
Prior to starting Your Exclusive Tours I wanted to be a career firefighter. Today I am an active CFA volunteer which has provided many transferable skills that I now apply to running our business.

3. Tell us something aobut yourself that we don’t know
From August 1997 to July 2010, I collected and read the monthly men’s health and lifestyle magazine called Ralph. Today these magazines are secured and locked away in an airtight tub appreciating in value.

4. What’s your favourite quote?
“If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task for the day.  It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task and another..?.?.  And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made – that you made – and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.” Admiral William H. McRaven

Stay tuned for more news in our next edition of ‘Have you heard Y.E.T?!’ and in the meantime, if you haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so here: